SabaCHDiscord logoLogin



How to use

How to register

  1. Invite the bot to your server from this invite link and run the /regist command in your server.
  2. After registration is complete, issue an invite code with the /invite command.
  3. Open the dashboard and select the server you want to register.
  4. Edit each setting and publish.
    To publish, you must meet the following conditions:
    • Have issued an invite link
    • Have set one or more tags
    • Have entered 10 or more characters in the server overview
    • Have entered 20 or more characters in the server description

How to vote

When you execute the /vote command on the server, a vote will be conducted.
The time limit for voting is applied to each user.
For example, even if User A votes at 13:00, User B can vote at 13:01 without being affected by the time limit.

Vote notification bot

A bot with a vote notification feature is not provided for this language.

For developers

You can use the embed's footer to determine when the vote is completed.
The footer will always display voted, regardless of the language setting.
Also, the first field (fields[0]) always stores the timestamp in the following format.
By making full use of these, it is possible to send notifications.